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Atfaluna Strengthens the Community’s Psychosocial Resilience

Atfaluna Strengthens the Community’s Psychosocial Resilience

Gaza City, Palestine, November 2018 – Following its mission in improving the lives of the persons with disabilities (PwDs), and enhancing the resilience of the Palestinian families residing in the Gaza Strip, Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) initiated its new cooperation “Improving the Psychosocial Resilience of Children with and without Disabilities and their Families in the Gaza Strip”.


The new project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development-Germany (BMZ) through Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM), and in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages, Al Asiya Library, Nawa for Culture & Arts Association, and TAMER Institution for Community Education.


This cooperation aims at improving the psychosocial resilience of 32,850 children and adolescents with and without disabilities all over the Gaza Strip, as well as improving the children's coping, recovery and self-help skills through direct psychological support and individual support, as well as indirectly empowering family members and service providers.


“This cooperation comes to support the persons with and without disabilities, and their families to help overcome the harsh conditions affecting their well-being psychologically and socially”. said Naim Kabaja, ASDC Director.


Atfaluna and partners will upscale the skills of 250 professionals from five play and recreational centers and provide trainings in psychosocial support for children with and without disabilities. In addition, the project will strengthen 1,050 family members (80% mothers and 20% fathers), in addition to siblings in dealing with their children.


Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children is a non-profit organization that endeavors to empower persons with hearing disability as well as persons with other disabilities in the Gaza Strip and improve their quality of life within a disability-inclusive development framework.



For more information please contact:

Telex: (+972-8) 2865468/2828495

Email: public-relations@atfaluna.net

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